As the summer comes, and vaccination coverage rises, what’s the prudent approach to essential and non-essential travel? Many would like to travel, outside Ireland, and have a holiday abroad. Others would like to travel to Ireland, and holiday here, or meet family here. Can we come up with sensible advice to reduce risks to travellers and to our own country?
ISAG public meeting and press conference – Wednesday 23rd June 2021, 12pm
*Update* Link to video from meeting:
PDF of release: Link

How are those working in hospitality, largely younger, unvaccinated people, to be kept safe? The Cornish outbreak of the Delta variant following the G7 meeting, which has closed much of the Cornish tourist industry, graphically demonstrates the present risk.
To join an open discussion with Anthony Staines, DCU, Aoife McLysaght, TCD and Gerry Killeen, UCC about the issues, and our options and to ask questions, click here to register:
This will primarily be a Questions and Answers session. We welcome advance questions from members of the press, politicians, special interest groups and the public sent to: isagcovid at, or ask them live.
ISAG (Independent Scientific Advocacy Group) is offering the group’s expertise and experience to work together with Governments and the people to aim for Zero Covid, meaning zero mystery cases in our shared islands. Founded by Anthony Staines, Gerry Killeen, and Tomás Ryan in June 2020, I.S.A.G. is independent of the government. All of our members are volunteers and they freely commit their time every week to discuss the COVID-19 science that underpins our governments’ response strategies. ISAG is a multidisciplinary group of scientists, academics, and researchers who have come together to advocate for a SARS-CoV-2 elimination strategy. I.S.A.G. has published several papers outlining its strategy and recommendations, and you can find them at
image credit: "Airport"by Samrat Mondal is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0